
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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Work Package 4 –“The National RDI Strategy 2007-2013”

       The working group is structured and carries on its activity in accordance with the project development plan, respectively the tasks amount operationally grouped in the Working package number 4”The National RDI Strategy for the period 2007-2013”.The experts are identified on nomination- co nomination basis according to the following general criterions: scientific excellence, managerial knowledge, representativity, communication abilities, inter-personal and inter-disciplinary  communication abilities  and effective team work. The working package is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Stelian Stancu (general coordinator) and by Mr. Marin Apetroae (rapporteur).

       The main objective is the elaboration of the nations RDI strategy for the period 2007-2013.
       Specific objectives
• The selection of the strategic factors in the RDI activity and the revision of the perception, the mission and the actual strategic objectives in this domain
• The generation of strategic alternatives and the selection of the most adequate alternative
• The elaboration of the defining specifications for the instruments and the implementation procedures of the strategy (in cooperation with WP 5)
• The elaboration of the defining specifications for the designing of an evaluation indicator system on the performances of the RDI system  and the elaboration of the instruments and control  procedures (in cooperation with WP 5 )
• R 5 A report regarding the determination of the strategic objectives, their priority and the make up of the programmatic tools for the Romanian RDI system for the period 2007-20013
• R 6 A programmatic document, including e elaboration of RDI national strategy for the period 2007 – 2013, based on strategic planning elements.

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