
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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RDI Experts

       The particularities of the project and the foresight methodology request a large number of specialists from the researching field and from the specific management and funding area.
Similar projects in other countries involved in the structured consulting process between 1000 and 3000 experts in the structured consulting process and their points of view influenced the strategy elaboration and its implementation.
In order to accomplish this project, the consortium agreed to involve more than 3000 experts in “expert panels”, “workshops” and DELPHI surveys:
       The identification of these experts will be done through a nominalization/co-nominalization process organized in phases.
In the first step 15 experts were nominated within the consortium framework. They were invited to co nominate between 1 and 3 experts from 5 domains:
• Science
• Research management
• Industry, small and medium sized enterprises
• Local and Central public administration
• Civil society (nongovernmental representatives)
       After this initial phase, the similar co nominalizations are excluded and there were identified 310 national experts. They will further co nominate in the second phase between 1 and 3 experts from the above mentioned domains.It is expected to have over 3000 specialists in the final consulting process.
       The nominalization/co nominalization process could assure a high level of representativity for a large specter of researching activities and for the assembly of the researching-development-innovation system.
       Last, but not least the process will have the points of view of the entire Romanian society including The Parliament, Government and The Presidency. 
       The process will be closed at the end of the year and the final list of specialist will be published on the project’s web page.
The Delphi-type consulting is scheduled for February-May 2006 and most of the involved experts will be asked to answer to 50 questions (in two successive phases).This survey will ground the elaboration of the evolution scenarios of The Romanian RDI system till 2020.It will form the basis of both the Strategy and The National RDI Framework Programme for the period 2007-2013.

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