
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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Rost Project Public Launching
26 September 2005, Bucharest

The launching of the project regarding the “Elaboration of the national RDI strategy for the period 2007-2013 based on strategic planning elements” took place at The Palace of Parliament (Nicolae Iorga Hall) on 26 September 2005 and gathered around 200 participants.

From the hereby presentation it resulted the intention to have a structured and participative approach for the future of the Romanian research from the domains and thematic areas points of view. The mentioned approach should refer to human resources, the structuring method and the funding management at both national and international level. Besides the adequate technical and scientific framework, it was stressed the commitment among the persons involved in the project to assure the transparency and the open character. Without these, the final programmatic documents meant to support the elaboration of the RDI policies won’t reach the level of social acceptance that result from the successful implementation of such decisions.

Therefore, at the end of October 2005 it was initiated an ample process of nominalization- co nominalization through which there will be identified the research experts (researchers, managers) and the beneficiaries of research and innovation results. At the end of the process (in October) the project created its own consulting database (with around 3500 persons). This minimizes the risk of non acceptance on the side of the Romanian society directly involved in the RDI activity.

 The project includes a succession of public events for the dissemination of the intermediary project results. The meeting will facilitate open debates on specific subjects for each project phase.

In the mean time, the project will have the scientific support of the high level European and international researchers, constituted in an International Advisory Board. They will be consulted periodically and they will have an active role in the assessment meetings that will be organized at the crucial moments encountered by the project development process.

Being the first project of such complexity and dimension in Romania that uses foresight methodology, the team project appealed to the international experience to constitute a group of international experts. They come from various fields like foresight and science policy and they have the power to assure the technical assistance and the necessary consultancy whenever is necessary.

The successful outcome depends on the rate of the scientific society’s involvement, especially of the RDI beneficiaries. These categories will be directly involved into the structured consulting mentioned in the project.

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