
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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The work package 2
Assessment of the actual RDI system

       The work package is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Lanyi Szabolcs (representative of the package in the Steering Committee) and by Prof. Dr. Paul Serban Agachi (Coordinator) and by Radu Gheorghiu P.h.D (as a Rapportuer) 
       The final objective of the work package represents the release of an analysis (diagnose) of the actual Romanian RDI system based on the following aspects:

• The performance of the actual RD system (results, human resources, logistic, management etc.)
• The system coordinating institutes
• The internal parameters (national) that induce conditionings on the system

• The external parameters (international) that influence the RDI status
       Also, the group of experts should synthesize the four reports in a SWOT Analysis of the actual Romanian RDI system.
       The four reports and the SWOT analysis will form an input for the work packages nr.3, 4 and 5.
       The members of the working group will draft a questionnaire that will constitute the base for an online pool that will target the insiders of the RDI system. The conclusions of this pool will be included in the final reports.
In the first phase of activity, the group of experts has the aim to elaborate a methodology that will further describe the main parameters that will be considered for the assessment of the actual RDI system.
       The methodology will take into account the already existing source if information. The questionnaire will be structured in accordance with the necessity for supplementary information.
       The assessment methodology of the RDI system together with the questionnaire will form an intermediary report that will be approved by the Steering Committee and will be delivered to The Ministry of Education and Research.
       The specific objectives of the group include:
• The identification of the relevant aspects for the assessment of the  RDI system from the points of view of performance, institutions and internal and external influences
• The synthesizing of the already existing studies and reports
• The development of comparative analysis  at international level in order to asses the real position of the Romanian RDI system
• The critical analysis of the sources of information that already exists, these sources should be completed when it’s possible
• The assurance of an good  information representativity from the points of view of the RDI domain and geographical perspective
• The assurances of a synthetical presentation of the main conclusions in the adequate forms.

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