
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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   The objectives of a Foresight exercise must be clearly stated, internally consistent and (at least initially) avoid being too specific. This is important to gain widespread support for your activities early on, although care must be taken not to promise too much to too many players. Ideally, the objectives should be debated by the key players in order to ensure early buy-in to the exercise.
      Main rationales for Foresight:

  • To inform policy-making so that decisions taken by key actors in the commissioning body are more aware of longer-term developments and how these are liable to interact with current policy decisions. Often a Foresight exercise will be stimulated by the need to take a particular decision. However, the knowledge developed, and the Foresight capabilities embedded in the organisation as a result, should have a wider significance.


  • To help build networks among the people centrally involved with shaping the future of a particular topic. They will be brought together to work on their visions and assessments of the future. The purpose of this is to help them become better able collectively to understand the challenges and opportunities that they are liable to confront, and the strategies and objectives that others might pursue.


  • To develop capabilities widely throughout a region or organisation and develop a "Foresight culture". The aim here is for people with a variety of backgrounds to be able to define and embark upon their own Foresight activities and create their own Foresight networks.


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