
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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Tangible outcome:

      A tangible output, outcome or product, is an output which has tangible form, for example because it been formalized in one or more documents or (less frequently in the case of Foresight in the public sector) items to be delivered to the client (or sponsor). In most cases, the tangible output includes recommendations to policy-makers or corporate executives.


      Technology is the development and application of materials, tools, machines, methods and processes that help to solve human problems. As a human activity, technology predates both science and engineering. It embodies the human knowledge generated by solving real problems. Thus, standardization of design is an essential feature of technology.

Technology assesment:

       Technology Assessment refers to efforts to investigate the impacts and implications of new technologies before they are widely adopted. It has been attempted in many arenas, with mixed success, hence many new technologies come "on stream" without careful, in-depth assessment

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