
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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      Here an issue or challenge is the core problem that is being addressed by a Foresight exercise, such as "global warming". Not every Foresight exercise primarily focuses on an issue. Some exercises have a territorial focus and others a sectoral focus.

Client/ Client:

      A sponsor or client is a body (either institutional or corporate) which provides the financial support for the Foresight exercise, or provides other types of resources (such as the workforce). The sponsor may also be the initiator of the exercise and is also likely to be among the users of the output(s).

      Co-nomination is a survey process derived from bibliometrics designed to locate and characterise possible participants in Foresight studies and is described in Georghiou, L. et al ‘Co-nomination in Foresight– report on the use of co-nomination to identify participants for the UK technology foresight programme, (Office of Science and Technology, 1994)


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