The Work package 5 The investment model for the Romanian RDI system The national RDI Programme for 2007-2013
The selection of the work package members was made on the basis of competency standards and the needs generated from specific issues that will be solved while taking into account the gathering of various institutional and regional points of view. The work package is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Popa (member of the Steering Committee), Prof. Dr. Panainte Nica (coordinator) Dan Grosu PhD (rapporteur) The elaboration of the investment model and the National RDI Plan for the period 2007-2013 is grounded on the following principles: 1) The aim of the investment in the research activity is to reach the strategic objectives 2) The strategic objectives are established in accordance with the regional development in the European contexts and the national socio-economic needs 3) The National Plan is composed of programs that represent the instruments for the achievement of the strategic objectives 4) In the investment model , the feedback is assured between the research performances and the required grade to achieve the strategic objectives 5) All the RDI entities have access to the achievement of the strategic objectives on the basis of the competition principles Therefore the defining of the general objectives for the group activities will take into consideration the existence of an integrate vision on the research investment defined on regions and domains in accordance with the economic needs and the set up of the feed back mechanisms. Thus, it will be followed: 1) The development of the quantification mechanisms of the strategic objectives achievement 2) The elaboration of a set of unitary criterions that universal applicable to all the objectives 3) The defining of some inter operable evaluation systems 4) The allocation of the investment type on objectives, not on tenders 5) The achievement of a competitive system for the RDI system The group activities will take into consideration the following issues that are specific to the development of the investment model and the National RDI Plan: 1) The programme modeling 2) The assessment methodology 3) The assessments good practices 4) The assessment methods 5) The operability mechanisms of the programmes.
The group will release two external reports that will be further approved by the Steering Committee will be directly sent to the beneficiary: a) The national RDI strategy for the period 2007 – 2013 with proposals regarding the contracting, monitoring financing and control mechanisms and procedure in order to have operational the framework programme b) Other programmatic instruments. During the group activities, there will be elaborated two internal reports: a) Principles for the research performance, evaluation and control system development b) The internal validation methodology of the national RDI strategy.