
Elaboration of RDI National Strategy within the framework of the National Foresight Exercise

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 About the project

       After 15 years of more or less successful attempts to reform the Romanian researching-development-innovation system, in 2004 The Ministry  Education and Research decided to realize a “Development Strategy of the RDI system for the period 2007-2013, based on strategic planning elements”

       The researching department of The Ministry of Education and Research released a document entitled:” Methodology and procedures that define the objectives and strategic priorities for the national scientific research and technological development for the period 2005-2010” as part of the Research contract nr.8/Sectorial Plan for 2004. This constituted the first step in the elaboration process of the National RDI strategy for the period 2007-2013 and defined the main implementation and assessment tools.

       Initially when the project was lunched, The National RDI Plan was expected to cover the period 2005-2010.The first phases and the project validation meeting organized by the steering committee proofed that the National RDI Plan should cover the period 2007-2013, overlapped to the unwinding of the  7th RDI Framework Programme of the European Commission.

       This document provides the necessary information to establish the terms of reference that generated an auction in 2005 to decide to whom the project is assigned. Following the auction, The National University Research Council-NURC together with a consortium of 26 researching organizations, universities, research companies was appointed as project coordinating organization.

       The contract came into effect in May 2005 and will be accomplished in 18 months. The total value of the contract is 2.500.000 RON (25 thousand millions ROL)










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