1. Mr. Daniel DAIANU Romanian Minister for Finance (1997-1998) Group of Applied Economics daiandan@b.astral.ro |
2. Mrs. Ana Maria SANDI Leading Education Specialist, Human Development Sector Unit Europe and Central Asia The World Bank asandi@worldbank.org |
3. Mr. Torsten FISCHER Head Offices DFG Office for Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe postmaster@dfg.de |
4. Mr. Ricardo SEIDL DA FONSECA Programme Manager PTC/IPT UNIDO R.Seidl-da-Fonseca@unido.org |
5. Mr. Norbert KROO Vice-President Hungarian Academy of Sciences kroo@office.mta.hu |
6. Mrs. Maya SIMIONESCU Vice-President Romanian Academy maya.simionescu@icpb.ro |
7. Mr. Gonzalo LEON SERRANO Vicerrector de Investigacion Polytechnic University of Madrid gonzalo.leon@upm.es |
8. Mr. Campbell WARDEN CCI SECRETARY Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Campbell@IAC.es
9. Mr. John MARKS Director of Science and Strategy European Science Foundation jmarks@esf.org |
10. Mr. Werner WOBBE Head of Unit f.f. European Commission, DG Research, Directorate K: Social Sciences and Humanities, Foresight Unit K2: Science and Technology Foresight werner.wobbe@cec.eu.int
11. Mr. Peter NIJSKAMP President Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research nwo@nwo.nl |
12. Mr. Dimitris KRYRIAKOU European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies Dimitris.KYRIAKOU@cec.eu.int |
13. Mr. Varujan PAMBUCCIAN President Committee for Information and Communication Technologies Parliament of Romania varuja@cdep.ro |
14. Mr. Constantin STROE Vicepresident of the Administration Board RENAULT Romania constantin.stroe@daciagroup.com |
15. Mr. Irinel POPESCU President Committee on Education, Science and Young People Senate of Romania cinv@senat.ro |
16. Dr. Jan SADLAK Director European Centre for Higher Education UNESCO-CEPES info@cepes.ro |
17. Mr. Rami RAHAMIMOFF Faculty of Medicine The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ramir@cc.huji.ac.il |
18. Mr. Bogdan TEODORIU The Department for Economic and Social Strategies Presidential Administration of Romania stratecsmihaela@presidency.ro |
19. Mrs. Carmen VELA OLMO Managing Director, INGENASA Hnos Garcia Noblejas, 39, 8º 28037 Madrid, Spain cvela@ingenasa.es |
20. Mrs. Isabell MAJEWSKY Director Connect Midlands University of Warwick Barclays Venture Centre I.Majewsky@warwick.ac.uk |
21. Mr. Jens Peter GAUL Director Strategic Planning DFG CEOs Staff jens-peter.gaul@dfg.de |
21. Mr. Babici Emanuel Executive Director UZINSIDER S.A uzinsider@uzinsider.eunet.ro |